Medications, Herbs, Supplements & Other Treatments

Medications, Herbs, Supplements & Other Treatments

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Choosing Wisely |

Nonprofit collaboration of over 70 major medical organizations that reviews evidence on tests and treatments that are overused and should be avoided. Promotes conversations between clinicians and patients by helping patients choose care that is: supported by evidence, not duplicative of other tests or procedures already received, free from harm, and truly necessary.

Also, has a free downloadable app for Apple and Android devices


Consumer Lab | 

Independent testing on nutritional products.


Consumer Reports | 

Reviews and evaluates both alternative and conventional treatments and products. |

Information on medications, pill identifier, interactions checker and more.


Food and Drug Administration


Health Canada: Licensed National Health Products Database |

Website maintained by the government of Canada. It contains information about natural health products that have been issued a product license by Health Canada. It includes information on vitamin and mineral supplements, herb and plant-based remedies, traditional medicines such as Traditional Chinese Medicines or Ayurvedic (Indian) Medicines, homeopathic medicines, and many everyday consumer products. 


Medline Plus


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine |

A government agency providing research-based info. 


National Institute on Aging: Safe Use of Medications for Older Adults |


Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database | 

Clinical data on approximately 90,000 herbal products, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic products, Ayurvedic medicines, complementary alternative medicines, integrative therapies, alternative treatments (such as acupuncture), traditional Chinese medicines products, and other natural remedies as well as a Natural Product / Drug Interaction Checker. 


The Public Health Agency of Canada: A-Z Index |


US Preventive Services Task Force | 

An independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine that provide critical reviews of various screening tests and medical treatments for both professionals and consumers


WebMD: Drugs and Medications A to Z |



Griffith, H. Winter, and Stephen W. Moore. Complete Guide to Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs, 2018-2019. New York: Perigee Books, 2019.