Exercise & Physical Activity

Exercise & Physical Activity

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Silver Sneakers | http://www.silversneakers.com 

- This program allows you to take online classes from home or to visit the gym. Available at no cost for adults 65+ through select Medicare plans.


Physical activity guidelines

Australia | https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/physical-activity-and-exercise/physical-activity-and-exercise-guidelines-for-all-australians

Canada | https://csepguidelines.ca  

United States | https://health.gov/paguidelines/



Enhance Fitness | https://projectenhance.org/enhancefitness/

Low-cost, evidence-based group exercise and falls prevention program to help older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. 


Evidence-based Leadership Council | http://www.eblcprograms.org

Proven evidence-based programs (EBPs) in the following categories: chronic disease and medication management, depression, falls management and physical activity. 


Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging | HealthInAging.org

Exercise and Physical Activity | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)

Go4Life is an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH, designed to help older adults fit exercise and physical activity into their daily life.


National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability | https://www.nchpad.org/

NCHPAD is the premier resource for information on physical activity, health promotion, and disability, serving persons with physical, sensory and cognitive disability across the lifespan. NCHPAD’s website features a variety of resources and services which can benefit all ages and populations and can be found online.


National Institute on Aging: Exercise and Physical Activity | https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/exercise-physical-activity 


WebMD: The 7 Minute Workout | https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/ss/the-7-minute-workout-slideshow 



Canadian Lung Association: Exercise and COPD | https://youtu.be/DFemC5giG1Y 


Flint Rehabilitation Devices, LLC: Core Exercises for Stroke Patients to Improve Balance and Walking | https://youtu.be/dGBqTLtdVuA 


Kaiser Permanente Thrive: Seated Upper Body Exercise | https://youtu.be/R6Nr-VaFcqM 


Multiple Sclerosis Association of America: Introduction to Multiple Sclerosis Aquatic Fitness | https://youtu.be/PmDArJJjG4c 


Sit and Be Fit | https://www.sitandbefit.org/

Recommended video workouts for those with various conditions including: osteoporosis, diabetes, COPD, neuropathy, arthritis, parkinsons and other conditions. This program offers the classes through public television, streaming, YouTube, and DVDs.


Silver Sneakers: 7-Minute Yoga Workout for Older Adults | https://youtu.be/NDLad2vOHkU



Exercises for Chronic Conditions | https://www.bullpub.com/exercises-for-chronic-conditions.html

Audio CD self-management resource 


Moving Easy Program | https://www.bullpub.com/catalog-moving-easy.html

Audio CD that guides you through gentle exercise sessions. The recording is also available as a downloadable MP3. 



DocMikeEvans: 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?  | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo 


Dr. Michelle Segar: No Sweat: Lasting Motivation to Exercise | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoNFjf9ltMo 



Segar, Michelle: No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness, 2015. Also online resources: https://michellesegar.com/book/