Our Team

Jim Bull took over the family publishing business from his father David in 1994. Having published several lists of college textbooks for Mayfield Publishing in the 1980's and 90's, Jim was eager to take on the challenge of making his father's small, innovative, author-centered company grow stronger, both editorially and financially. As Bull Publishing continues to grow and thrive, Jim continues to enjoy working closely with authors on new books and media.

Emily Sewell, our CFO, has been running the office at Bull Publishing since 2001, so she knows everything. Emily has helped countless customers, authors, freelancers, and vendors over the years; she is the person you want to contact when you need help right away or you have general inquiries. Always delightful, totally dedicated and super efficient, Emily is arguably our most valuable asset.

Claire Cameron, our Director of Marketing, has worked in publishing for 18 years. She founded Shift Media, a publishing consulting company, in London, UK from 2002 - 2006, after running online publishing programs for Pearson Plc in London and San Francisco. Claire is also a published author (The Line Painter, 2007, The Bear, 2014, and The Last Neanderthal, 2017) who has a unique talent for promoting her work. With valuable experience on both sides of the publishing process, she is perfectly suited to direct our marketing and promotion efforts.

Erin Mulligan has been thriving in publishing since 1988. Now running her own freelance editing business in addition to her work at Bull, Erin has worked as an editorial assistant, a Dallas-based traveling sales rep, a nursing and health editor at Addison Wesley, and a senior biology editor at Pearson. Her first love is editing science books, but she also does an amazing job helping to shape selected books for Bull.

Shannon Bodie has been designing over 90% of our book covers since 1997. She and her partner Bob run Lightbourne and have been creating inviting, effective cover images for dozens of companies for over 15 years. We love working with Shannon because of her creativity, her commitment to quality, her talent for working with our authors and our team in general, and her thorough, professional approach to the job. Chances are, the cover of the Bull Publishing book or CD you are interested in was designed by Shannon.

Jonathan Peck has worked in publishing since 1972. Always interested in the challenges of designing and producing books, he has enjoyed riding the currents of technology from his introduction to letterpress printing then to the evolution into the today's digital age. Jon and his wife, Joan Keyes, have operated Dovetail Publishing Services since 1996. He is happiest at work when authors feel well served. He is happiest when not at work in warm, tropical water.

Founder David Bull, in 1969. David saw the need for health books that were scientifically sound but also appealing and readable by the general public. He started Bull Publishing in 1972 and published some of the nation’s first trade books covering stress management, obesity, cancer, and children’s nutrition. He was known for working closely with authors, all of whom he considered colleagues and friends. Always adventurous and willing to publish new science-based approaches to health problems, David signed our all-time best-seller in 1993: Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions. Sadly, David, who was a lifelong runner and swimmer, died of cancer at 65 in 1994. We continue to be inspired by his well-lived life and by his publishing vision.